Frequenlty asked questions
Some Common Questions And Anwsers About Bedford Boot Camps
Bedfordshire Self Employed Business Of The Year
If you can’t find your answer here, Just give Camille a call on 07725 510 643. If there is no answer, leave a message & she will get back to you within 24hrs.
Am I Fit Enough?
YES! Please do not put off coming along, because you feel you need to get ‘Fit’ First. The Great thing about Bedford Boot Camps is that’s exactly what we are here for. Any starting level can improve before you know it with enough attendance. We measure your results against YOU & no one else, and all sessions are to time so you can work at your own Pace right from the Start.
Is It a Clicky Group?
NO! You will feel welcome from the Off, every member has had to take the Plunge and come along for there first go. We love seeing and meeting new people with the same goals and determination. The Group is supportive and full of Friendly Banter & Camaraderie. The best thing about working as a Team is that we all hold each other accountable for success & you will soon meet a lot of new Friends and Training Pals who all share the same interest as you, and who will be as happy as you are when you achieve your Goals.
I have an Injury, Is it still worth coming?
Yes! There are hundreds of exercises at 5 Star and we are always thinking up new ones to cater for all. If your Injury stops you from doing something the group is working on, we will find you an alternative that will strengthen your Injury. We always begin each session with a professional warm up specific for that week and end each with a relaxing cool down and stretch. When you come along for your first session Camille will go through any niggles or past complications you may have and ensure a plan is set in place.
Do I have to do the Running/Walking or Cycling Clubs
NO! Attending at least 12 sessions of Boot Camps a month is enough to get you to your Goals esp if you comply to the Healthy Eating Plan. During the Boot Camps we actually don’t run too much during your first month and focus more on short Sprints and Interval Work to Shift the Fat. The extra Clubs ARE Included in your monthly fees & are there for you when you feel ready to add more to your Training. However as with the Boot Camp Sessions, you can join in with these straight away no matter what your ability.
Can I Change session times?
YES! To suit your daily schedule please Feel Free to jump in & out Swap about any session times available. Our membership is unlimited Monthly, you even have the option to join in two sessions a day to get the most out of your membership. The more sessions you attend the better the results, however 3 a week will be just fine to start you off.
What do I need to bring with me?
ENERGY! & lots of it. Along with a good pair of Running/Training Shoes, an Exercise Mat or Old Towel for the Floor Work and appropriate clothing to suit the Weather. If it’s raining were Training, but we usually stay dry in the Evenings thanks to some Shelter at the School. Any Inhalers or Diabetic Nutrition can be brought along and given to Camille at the start of each Session as a precaution.
Will you help me with My Eating Habits?
YES! Nutrition is 80% your achievements so whether you just need to tweak a few changes to reach your goals or change the whole plan we have the Support for you. Once you sign up we will send you a Nutrition Boot Camp Bible to Download on your iphone or Pad along with 4 x Recipe books and a very helpful Emotional Eating Manual.
What if I Can’t do an Exercise or need a Rest?
There will be sufficient rests within each session, however during the first week we want you to take your time. This means you can take a break & grab some water anytime. Your Fitness will come along each week as the session difficulty progresses & by session 12 you will be impressed with the improvement.
Is it really hard?
YES! But not just for you, for everybody whether they have been there for 1 week, 1 month or since the Start. It has to be hard to take the body out of it’s comfort zone, gradually throughout the month we will push you harder upping the intensity. 99% of our workouts are to time so it doesn’t matter if you are an elite athlete or are just coming back from having a baby you can work at your own level and improve on that each time.
How do you measure Results?
It’s really Important you see your results happening as they happen. Without this motivation and commitment can decline. Once you have your Bible you will set your Goals and have your measurements taken by Camille…this is optional but will consist of Wt, BMI, Body Fat %, Visceral fat an 5 sets of Inches. Depending on what food challenge we are taking part in that month, you will be measured no less than 30 day’s after that first date to see the losses. As well as the aesthetic and health results, we want you to see improvements in fitness too. Each month we begin with a Fitness Test session consisting of many markers to improve on and beat before the end of each Monthly Camp.
Testimonials From Previous Clients
But Don't just take our word for it...
Sally, Bedford
Sally initially wasn’t sure about joining the camps. She worried about being able to keep up. Finally she took the plunge and didn’t look back, managing to get her body back to her best shape!
Victoria, Bedford
Victoria wasn’t a “fitness type of person” never like sports or exercise. Found the sessions the best way to shred inches off stubborn neglected areas, as well as building her strength all round to get the look she was after.
Tania, Bedford
Tania is a motivated and determined member, always pushing herself to the Max. She quickly took hold of the food plan guidelines and smashed her goals by attending all sessions. Quickly lost her extra body fat and ended up being in great athletic shape improving her speed and muscular endurance.
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