If you have any questions please feel free to call Camille on 07725 510 643
Bedford Boot Camp Is Not Your Average Pay As You Go Military Boot Camp…
There’s always an excuse or a better offer.
Pay for the Month at a time and I’ll help you to attend at least 3 x a Week, attend at least 3 x a week and the RESUTS will come FAST. It couldn’t be more simpler.
All I ask is that your determined to succeed and put in as much effort to each session as YOU can. No matter what your starting point, if you can do a little more each session you’ll see the Transformation.
All You need to do is sign up & I will take care of the rest.
Being a member you also have exclusive access to:[/text_block]
Boot Camp Bible Diet
Our best selling diet book gives you everything you need to know about what to eat and what has been stopping you from achieving your results.
Unlimited Sessions
Come to any session, any time of day and rapidly develop a body you are proud of with our qualified personal trainer Camille Stephens. Whichever session you attend you can be certain of a workout that is simple, fun and effective… and guaranteed to burn fat.
Private Facebook Group
Join our private members only Facebook group where members will support, hold you accountable, and motivate you to smash through your targets.
That is totally understandable, so if you are unsure if you want to commit, (even though you are secured by guaranteed results or 100% of your money back) then the next best option for you is to sign up for a ZERO OBGLIGATION, 7-DAY FREE TRIAL…[/text_block]
We value your privacy and would never spam you